
MONEY matters

Mark Zaifman's thoughts on money, global economic trends and politics

Do You Have the Running Out of Money in Retirement Nightmare?

Mark Zaifman   |    Fri, Aug 20, 2010 @ 11:54 AM
retirement income planning

You’ve been planning your retirement for as long as you can remember. Yes, your investments took a hit during the recent stock market tumble, but as of today, it appears you're still on track to retire when scheduled.

Before you know it, the day has come. You say good-bye to the working for money phase of your life and warmly greet your well deserved financial independence. But there is something keeping you up at night. And that something is concern, whether justified or perhaps unjustified, that you may run out of money in retirement.

For millions of people entering retirement, running out of money is right up there as one of their top concerns. Fortunately, state of the art financial planning software along with objective and independent analysis of your current financial situation can go a long way towards reducing or hopefully eliminating the worry all together.

Developing a sensible and smart retirement income strategy and managing your retirement risks are just some of the many steps needed for designing a clear path to retirement. Another valuable tool in assessing your overall ability to meet your financial needs during retirement is the use of Monte Carlo Analysis. By simulating thousands of possible investment return outcomes, we’re able to evaluate the probability of how well your retirement savings will last given all types of market conditions.

Protecting your assets and preserving your wealth in retirement is extremely important regardless of your net-worth. If you’re someone that has worried about money whether a little bit or a lot during your working years, continuing that pattern into retirement can be very damaging to your overall financial well being. As the saying goes, 'knowledge is power'. The sooner you discover exactly how well you are or are not positioned for retirement, the sooner you’ll be sleeping like a baby again.
