
MONEY matters

Mark Zaifman's thoughts on money, global economic trends and politics

Bringing Financial Planning Home

Mark Zaifman   |    Wed, Feb 10, 2010 @ 11:05 AM

Spiritus Petaluma officee

Visiting clients at their home is old school, I know that, but I still love it. Sometimes I feel like the small town doctor making house visits. At a recent client meeting in Sebastopol, CA, before we moved into the discussion about financial planning, my clients shared pictures of baby grey foxes that set up home right in their front yard.

Another local client always wraps up our meetings by opening a bottle of his own estate grown wine.  Living in wine country feels like a movie set as we sip and chat while overlooking his beautiful vineyards.

An east coast client was surprised, and pleased, that I scheduled a meeting with he and his wife at their home in NY. As luck would have it, I was planning a visit back east to visit family, and my sister lives just a few miles away from him. Taking the thirty minutes time to drive and say hello in person was worthwhile both to me and my client. 

One of my favorite clients lives near Lake Tahoe, and let's face it, I'm always looking for an excuse for Pat and I to get up to the mountains. A client from Colorado once took an art class at the Mendocino Arts Center in Mendocino - Pat and I drove up the coast and met my client and her friend for a dinner picnic overlooking the ocean.

Sometimes I never meet my clients face-to-face. I may work with them for years, and never meet them in person.  After contributing to the best selling book, Your Money or Your Life a couple of years ago,  many readers nationwide have contacted me and became treasured clients.  I am always honored that clients across the state or across the country choose to trust and work with me from a distance.   I am just as honored and grateful for my local clients who open up their homes and share wine, food and their lives with me. I love being a virtual financial planner, but I really love meeting my clients in person, whether it's at their homes or in my office.