
MONEY matters

Mark Zaifman's thoughts on money, global economic trends and politics

Choosing Financial Wellness

Mark Zaifman   |    Fri, Jul 09, 2010 @ 11:10 AM


In the past couple months, as the stock market continued its swan dive, I met quite a few potential clients that are literally worrying themselves sick over money. When I inquired about their overall health, many of these same clients that are worrying a lot about their money have also encountered lower back pain, in some cases, pretty severe back pain. It’s a common belief that much of our worry around money manifests physically as lower back pain.

It’s obvious yet important to remember that worry and stress are not things we catch like a cold or a bug. It’s our thoughts that create stress and anxiety and its stress that often can lead to illness.

So what to do? First, realize that worrying about money will not change a thing. Secondly, see if worrying about money has become an unconscious habit you’ve perhaps been carrying around since you were young. Third and most importantly, take action.

Or perhaps like many baby boomers, you’re worried about having enough money saved for retirement or even running out of money when you are retired? Or you could be concerned about your investments and worried about the risk you’re taking? Regardless of the cause, worrying is an energy drainer whereas taking proactive action is an energy booster and a very empowering feeling.

Peace of Mind

Besides the benefit of getting your financial house in order, developing a financial plan offers an additional extraordinary benefit, and that is peace of mind. It’s this knowing and feeling deep in your gut that there’s nothing to worry about, that you can finally exhale and feel peaceful around your finances as well as your financial security that brings my clients the greatest satisfaction of all.

So the next time you catch yourself worrying about money, choose action instead of worry, financial wellness instead of financial disempowerment and put an end to the money worry habit once and for all.
