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Setting Goals and Living Your Dream - If Not Now, When?

Pat Chiappa   |    Thu, Apr 18, 2013 @ 09:18 AM

One Life Lived, Adam Sheparddam

I've noticed that there is a sense of urgency as you get older, time speeds up, the questions of a good life lived haunt and nag. For some, that 'as you get older' point is approaching 60, for others it's turning 30, but at whatever the age the questions start, you might want to give them some attention.

Adam Shepard was a 30 year old with more than a mild case of wanderlust - he wanted to fully live every single moment, not to miss a single opportunity presented to him, to really experience life in every way possible. So he sold everything, took off for a year and then wrote a book about his experiences called 'One Year Lived'.  But before he did any of that - he carefully developed a plan on how to accomplish his dream. Adam is not a Spiritus client, but someone who sets goals and achieves them, he’s a follower of his dreams, a thoughtful and careful life-planner, a risk-taker and an incredibly enthusiastic and over all friendly guy. And his book is not just interesting in terms of experiencing other cultures and countries through his eyes, but he’s crazy funny in his descriptions and in the situations he gets himself into.

Of his one-year-long sojourn, Adam boldly declared, "I made the assertion early—perhaps to convince myself to go, and perhaps because I actually believed it—that this would be the best year of my life. I promised myself I wouldn’t leave any presented experience on the table.
Don’t. Leave. Anything. On. The. Table." 

If you want to go on an adventure with Adam to Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Australia, the Philippines, Spain & Slovakia - check out his book One Year Lived on Amazon. If you would be willing to repost this article, contact us and we'lll send you the link where you can download the book for free.

Most of us have a dream list. Whether it's in our heads or actually written down, started in adolescence and updated through adulthood, memorized, talked about, bragged about - but how close do we come in realizing those things we absolutely feel we must do in our lifetimes?

If not now, when?